Cosmology and self help

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Cosmology is the study of the origin, evolution, and eventual fate of the universe — in short, why we are here. Our beliefs about the most fundamental questions of existence provide a basis for everything else, and we are pleased to present two books on the subject.

For a quick and easy introduction, Billy Goats Gruff offers the basics of cosmology from the perspective of legends and folklore. Building on archetypes and allegory, the journey of the three goats is sure to inspire readers of all ages, and we also have an audiobook version with great music.

For a more in-depth view, we recommend Reason Is: On the Nature of Consciousness and how Everything is Connected to Everything. This book explores different states of consciousness, showing how they are key to better understanding important issues. In drawing upon the timeless philosophy, the author bridges the gap between science and religion, and its fundamental premise is that consciousness is all that is.

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