Social engineering

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Social engineering has evolved from constitutional construction. Building on the principled foundation of our constitutions and a psychological model that lays out the spectrum of consciousness and its implications for social interaction, what has been attained is a definite map of the greater moral, legal, political, and psychological landscape. This map provides us with the knowledge needed to complete the founders’ mission, and it begins with To Right a Wrong: A Transpersonal Framework for Constitutional Construction.

This book lays out the greater terrain and the structuring that must be done to support utopian society building. It completes the discipline of constitutional interpretation and to the extent that the general lay-out becomes known we can create a heaven on earth.

Certainly, for those without hidden agendas, principled reasoning is easy to understand. And while To Right a Wrong ensures a foundation for integrity building at the nation-level, one that critics cannot refute, Human Rising documents the parallels between the war on drugs and the former mass movements gone wrong. Drawing upon principled reasoning, it shows how the morality of the prophets and the founders were one and the same, thus elaborating on the map to utopian societies.

As such, the framework of social engineering is well in place. Constitutional scholars and friends of liberty are encouraged to pay notice, and Reason Is goes further into the bigger-picture implications of constructive social engineering. It presents a more general account of its promises and the science that supports it.

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